Welcome to CoRE @Lifeworlds

...it all began with a conversation.

About Us

The Community of Relational Educators (CoRE) is a social learning space hosted by Lifeworlds Learning in the UK. 

It is an invitation to the many inspirational and committed educators that we have learned with over the years, and to those we’ve yet to meet.

We hope it offers a space for people to share their insights and wisdom; to learn alongside their peers; and to co-curate and co-create a hub of meaningful and valued ideas, opportunities and resources.

Why Join Us?

We believe in the power of dialogue, exchange, sharing and caring. 

We believe that in a fast-paced and often fraught world, the opportunity to slow down, to imagine anew and to find solidarity in purpose is important and undervalued.

 We believe that taking time to engage in supported relational spaces helps to reconnect with meaningfulness (personally and professionally) and offers opportunities for our inner voices to be heard. 

We believe in each other.

Grow with us

This is an emergent space and idea. We are not presenting you with a polished resource or a bank of materials. This space is iterative, organic, responsive and fluid. It will become the sum of its parts and you invited to be a part of that emergence. We ask you to grow with us and remain ever curious to see where we can collectively take one another.